Sunday, March 22, 2009

Boy did I find a treasure! Take a ride up to Munnsville,NY and check out "Between Us Sisters". Munnsville is a sleepy little town that we've just been passing through for years not noticing much until I saw their ad in the local paper.Christine and I took some of our soaps up in hopes they will want to carry some.Well we walked in the door and the aroma just grabs you up and pulls you in, room after room of primitive goodies, antiques and some new.Even the outside is so interesting with antiques sitting here and there.Just my kind of place and the prices where decent too! Go to their site
And then on our way home we stopped in Hamilton Whole Foods a health food shop.Now I'm not into tofu or any of that stuff but they were cooking up some kind of healthy meal and it sure did smell enticing. It's such an interesting shop with such friendly people.What a great day we had.
What a great time we had, my mom and I. We went down to our local library in Sherburne were Nancy Simerl gave a class on making pot-pourri.She grows most of her herbs and flowers so she brought tons of really yummy smelling stuff to share.Boy did all of us ladies have fun sniffing and oowwing and ahhing, the essential oils did wonders for the spirit too.We all went home with two or three jars filled with our goodies.Can't wait to lift the lid and take another sniff!
Looking forward to May when she will be having a plant swap out on the lawn.
In honor of the Obama's planting a Victory Garden right on the White House lawn which I think is just wonderful, Tina is giving away a free copy of The Essential Herbal. Well here's your chance just click on the link below and it will bring you right to it, yours free to read. Maybe when your all done enjoying all the yummy recipes and good stuff you"ll mosey on over to Tina's website at and order yourself up a years subscription! Go ahead see what she has to offer! Good reading good stuff!!